Kinesiology Explained
Read John Smit’s autobiography “Captain in the Cauldron” to see how Specialised Kinesiology helped him to recover from a hamstring injury that threatened to rule him out of the World Cup. Other new books on the subject to follow.
Specialised Kinesiology
Kinesiology traditionally means the study of body movement. The word is derived from the original Greek words "kinein" meaning "to move" and "aesthesis" meaning "perception". Applied Kinesiology originated in the 1960's through the work of chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart, who was looking to improve the effectiveness of his work. He acknowledged that basic chiropractic adjustments often were not providing complete relief for physical problems and observed that some problems were related to muscle spasms that were not being released. He discovered factors that would negatively affect the strength and function of muscles and began a lifelong search for methods that could improve muscle strength and along the way, recognised the validity of other natural therapies. A study of the original methods of testing muscles led to the primary diagnostic tool of muscle testing which was termed Applied Kinesiology.
Specialised Kinesiology uses the scientific knowledge of the functioning of the muscles of the body and the Central Nervous System (CNS). All the cells in our body are electrically connected to the neurology in our brain via the spinal cord and the CNS, so the "muscle monitoring" technique used in Kinesiology is really testing brain response to stressors rather than pure muscle strength. "Muscle monitoring" is the key to Kinesiology. This technique monitors changes within a muscle response through a lock-unlock reaction, to identify areas of blockage and imbalance and, by using the same method, finding the appropriate technique to restore balance and harmony.
Kinesiology traditionally means the study of body movement. The word is derived from the original Greek words "kinein" meaning "to move" and "aesthesis" meaning "perception". Applied Kinesiology originated in the 1960's through the work of chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart, who was looking to improve the effectiveness of his work. He acknowledged that basic chiropractic adjustments often were not providing complete relief for physical problems and observed that some problems were related to muscle spasms that were not being released. He discovered factors that would negatively affect the strength and function of muscles and began a lifelong search for methods that could improve muscle strength and along the way, recognised the validity of other natural therapies. A study of the original methods of testing muscles led to the primary diagnostic tool of muscle testing which was termed Applied Kinesiology.
Specialised Kinesiology uses the scientific knowledge of the functioning of the muscles of the body and the Central Nervous System (CNS). All the cells in our body are electrically connected to the neurology in our brain via the spinal cord and the CNS, so the "muscle monitoring" technique used in Kinesiology is really testing brain response to stressors rather than pure muscle strength. "Muscle monitoring" is the key to Kinesiology. This technique monitors changes within a muscle response through a lock-unlock reaction, to identify areas of blockage and imbalance and, by using the same method, finding the appropriate technique to restore balance and harmony.
A Specialised Kinesiologist can work with a wide range of issues including:
Allergies : Chronic Pain : Headaches/Migraines
Compulsive Behaviours : Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD : Eczema
Goal Setting : Low Self-Esteem : Menstrual Disorders
Phobias/Addictions : Recurrent Infections : Sinusitis
Self-Discovery & Self Empowerment : Stress
Fatigue Symptoms : Digestive Disorders : Depression
Allergies : Chronic Pain : Headaches/Migraines
Compulsive Behaviours : Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD : Eczema
Goal Setting : Low Self-Esteem : Menstrual Disorders
Phobias/Addictions : Recurrent Infections : Sinusitis
Self-Discovery & Self Empowerment : Stress
Fatigue Symptoms : Digestive Disorders : Depression
It is the philosophy of Kinesiology that we are created perfectly for what it is we are to achieve in life. The human body is a self-regulating & self healing system. This means that in order to survive, our body must maintain equilibrium by constantly monitoring itself and the environment via our nervous system and making the appropriate adjustments to keep us in balance. The cerebellum, the "computer" in the brain, is responsible for these adjustments and responses are sent between the muscles and brain via the nerve pathways. However, sometimes and for various reasons, we find ourselves in distress and then the signals between body and brain become unclear. This is our body's way of indicating that we are "off track" and an area, or areas, of our life are in need of attention. Put differently, we present with dis-ease symptoms and this is the messenger our body uses to focus attention on the fact that we are not living life to our full potential.
It is the philosophy of Kinesiology that we are created perfectly for what it is we are to achieve in life. The human body is a self-regulating & self healing system. This means that in order to survive, our body must maintain equilibrium by constantly monitoring itself and the environment via our nervous system and making the appropriate adjustments to keep us in balance. The cerebellum, the "computer" in the brain, is responsible for these adjustments and responses are sent between the muscles and brain via the nerve pathways. However, sometimes and for various reasons, we find ourselves in distress and then the signals between body and brain become unclear. This is our body's way of indicating that we are "off track" and an area, or areas, of our life are in need of attention. Put differently, we present with dis-ease symptoms and this is the messenger our body uses to focus attention on the fact that we are not living life to our full potential.
Specialised Kinesiology was developed from Applied Kinesiology and integrates the original science with other proven natural therapies such as Acupressure, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, 'Energy Medicine", Traditional Chinese Medicine among others, into a modality that is flexible, completely non-invasive and very powerful at changing a client's concept about their dis-ease or lack of wellbeing.
A Specialised Kinesiologist treats the whole person and all aspects contributing to health and wellbeing, or lack thereof, are assessed and addressed.
In the natural health field, Specialised Kinesiology is the "umbrella" term for different types and models of Kinesiology, utilising the technique of 'muscle-monitoring' to verify responses and to see if those responses are appropriate or inappropriate for the person concerned, Specialised Kinesiology as practiced by the Association of Specialised Kinesiologists South Africa (ASKSA), is any type of Kinesiology that is accredited and recognised according to the categories created by the International Association of Specialised Kinesiologists (IASK).
Specialised Kinesiology was developed from Applied Kinesiology and integrates the original science with other proven natural therapies such as Acupressure, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, 'Energy Medicine", Traditional Chinese Medicine among others, into a modality that is flexible, completely non-invasive and very powerful at changing a client's concept about their dis-ease or lack of wellbeing.
A Specialised Kinesiologist treats the whole person and all aspects contributing to health and wellbeing, or lack thereof, are assessed and addressed.
In the natural health field, Specialised Kinesiology is the "umbrella" term for different types and models of Kinesiology, utilising the technique of 'muscle-monitoring' to verify responses and to see if those responses are appropriate or inappropriate for the person concerned, Specialised Kinesiology as practiced by the Association of Specialised Kinesiologists South Africa (ASKSA), is any type of Kinesiology that is accredited and recognised according to the categories created by the International Association of Specialised Kinesiologists (IASK).
- NEURO-TRAINING (N.T.) – Uses a technique called “muscle monitoring” as a verification tool to identify where a person is not coping in the physical, emotional or mental aspects of their lives. When we are under stress in any of these areas, our body talks to us through symptoms. Treating the symptoms is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news!
- NEURAL ORGANISATION TECHNIQUE (N.O.T.) – Developed by Dr. Carl Ferrari, a chiropractor, N.O.T. aims to get the neurological pathways in a person to function optimally. It is a treatment protocol based on kinesiology, designed to organise the Central Nervous System (CNS).
- TOUCH FOR HEALTH (TFH) – A system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy to relieve stress, aches & pains. Uses the “muscle monitoring” technique to identify imbalances in a person’s meridian/organ systems
What is Neural Organisationan Technique?
Developed by Dr. Carl Ferrari, a Chiropractor, Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T.) is a specialised branch of Kinesiology which works through the Central Nervous System (C.N.S.) to restore structural, biochemical and emotional balance.
The philosophy underlying N.O.T. is that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating, self-perpetuating (replacing own tissue) organism. Any of these automatic functions can be disturbed by physical, chemical (dietary), environmental or emotional trauma. When threatened in any way, to minimise damage and protect the body, 3 primary survival systems of our species are employed. These are inborn or innate, integrated and fully automatic from the beginning of life, each system depending on the functional integrity of the others.
These basic survival systems are:
1. Fight/Flight/Freeze 2. Digestive (feeding) 3. Reproductive
A 4th system, the Limbic system , is a combination of the immune, repair, controlled growth and cellular reproduction system, and it is the internal system which ties the other 3 systems together into a cohesive life-force.
These systems must function as an integrated network and if one system is out of order, it will influence and place more stress on the others.
The prime task of our Nervous System is to constantly monitor our internal and external environment and send the information to our C.N.S. (comprising Brain and Spinal Cord) which responds and makes adjustments and changes. Responses are send between muscle and brain via peripheral nerve pathways. Our neural organisation is what enables us to survive and function in every possible situation.
Proper response to the external environment is critical for, among other things, thermal regulation, response to threats and taking advantage of opportunities such as availability of food. Response to the internal environment is important for sensing muscle tension, digestive processes, maintenance of Blood Pressure, endocrine and immune responses.
Should any of our automatic functions be thrown off-balance, the result can be a compromise of the internal systems of digestion, circulation, and in endocrine as well as immune responses, as a person literally becomes locked into a fight or flight mode. When we suffer, pain, fatigue and headaches etc. our body utilizes it’s innate knowledge to compensate for this altered internal environment, to allow us to carry on living as best we can.
N.O.T. is a healthcare system which takes into consideration all of the various circumstances under which we live. These circumstances influence the way the body responds to stress of any kind and how these stresses register in the C.N.S. N.O.T. is a non-invasive, neurologically correct, holistic, physical and energetic modality based on Applied Kinesiology. By using the art and science of Applied Kinesiology for neurological feedback, we can a) gain information from the body and b) educate the body by anchoring or locking-in changes and checking to see that a change has taken place. This allows us to continually monitor the progress of the procedure which is designed to organise or re-organise your nervous system so that you can function in the way you were designed. It uses acupressure, reactive muscle-monitoring and co-ordinated respiration to address areas of concern. Our nervous system will know what to do when restored to it’s original operating parameters. Wellness can only occur when we have an harmoniously functioning nervous system.
Most health-care today, actually focuses on sickness and pain, not wellness. It is as if health was just the absence of disease. The usual treatment is by drugs (chemical), surgery (structural) and radiation (kills the bad cells). This does not focus on the cause of the problem – only the symptoms. The body talks to us through symptoms or dis-ease – they are our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong, that we are unable to adapt. The reason why you have symptoms is far more important that the fact that you have symptoms. Treating symptoms is like killing the messenger of bad news. The symptom is the messenger – We need to find the message. Trying to address structural or functional difficulties without addressing the relevant neurological short-circuiting is like changing a light-bulb when the real problem is that you have blown a fuse! This is where kinesiology comes in and corrects the fundemental problem.
N.O.T (Kinesiology) In Laymen’s Terms:
Imagine yourself as a computer. Your nervous system is the operating software which keeps you functioning to optimum standards. Your digestive, endocrine and immune systems are the specialised programmes, each one essential to a specific task. Your muscular and skeletal structure is the output, allowing your body to do the “talking”. Now, consider what would be the result if damage occurred to the programmes. The first programme errors might be imperceptible. However, compensating for those errors would soon lead to complications. Eventually, you would have to make some serious corrections. You might even require a technician to reprogramme a whole series of commands – and this is what an N.O.T./Kinesiology practitioner does.
Digestive disturbances - Circulatory imbalances - Immune disorders - Endocrine disorders - Idiopathic Scoliosis - Learning Difficulties (incl. ADD, Dyslexia) - Joint & Connective Tissue problems – T.M.J. (Temporo Mandibular) dysfunction